1 iJ



Opening on Friday, 3 August at 6 pm

Over 38 days EKKM will transform itself into a stage for the project 1 iJ curated by Ekaterina Shcherbakova. While appropriating the recently successfully tested Lossless Brownian Information Engine¹ as a structural metaphor, 1 iJ will be fleshed out through manifold authorial intentions that flirt and coalesce, interrupt and devour each other. Considering data both as fuel and product, cause and result, 1 iJ incessantly generates narratives that interlace biological and technological consciousnesses, geographical and situational presence, mythologized and bureaucratic identities.

1 iJ is one information Joule. 1 iJ is a platform for potentialities where data is the core structural element. 1 iJ is not an exhibition. 1 iJ is a half-staged experiment. 1 iJ mirrors the eternal information engine. 1 iJ produces data. 1 iJ uses data as fuel. 1 iJ is a shift of identities. 1 iJ is a process of replacements. 1 iJ is a living organism. 1 iJ is a room with a higher degree of entropy. 1 iJ is contagious. 1 iJ is a mental machine that went out of control. 1 iJ is controlled by Maxwell Demon. 1 iJ consists of various particles. 1 iJ is a factory of meanings, signs, shadows, movements, words, sounds. 1 iJ calls for apophenia. 1 iJ promises immortality. 1 iJ notices everyone that steps into it. 1 iJ is already on. 1 iJ will never disappear. 1 iJ is in your head. 1 iJ is a meta1iJ. 1 iJ is a meaningful noise. 1 iJ constantly reinvents itself and invites others to do the same. 1 iJ is on screens and in riddles. 1 iJ sometimes hides. 1 iJ turns person into persona and persona into personage. 1 iJ manifests discontinuity. 1 iJ fosters fragmented identity. 1 iJ is versatile. 1 iJ perceives the whole as more than the sum of its parts. 1 iJ perceives the whole as less than the sum of its parts.

¹UNIST, South Korea, 2017

1 iJ unfolds via permanently present interventions as well as temporary appearances at EKKM, Sõprus Cinema (Tallinn) and in Copenhagen

The appearances of 1 iJ:

03.08 at 18:00 Psaiko

04.08 at 22:00 Norma Jeane

09.08 at 18:00 Eva Rank

10.08 at 18:30 Tabita Rezaire

10.08, 17.08 and 23.08 at 18:00 Helena Keskküla

17.08 at 18:30 Hannah Heilmann

06.09 and 07.09 at 18:00 Karl Saks

6.–19.08. Elisa Giardina Papa, at Sõprus Cinema

Graphic design: Ott Kagovere

Supported by: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture, Danish Arts Foundation, Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council.

Thanks: to all the artists and participants of the project; Andrey Blokhin, Larisa Blokhina, Dénes Farkas, Henri Eek.