always is everywhere



The second project of the season, the international group exhibition always is everywhere (14 June – 17 August) is curated by Margit Säde. Drawing inspiration from the environments and umwelts of diverse living organisms, the exhibition tries to look beyond the distinctions between species and to acknowledge the present moment from a more diverse perspective than that of the human eye. always is everywhere is a poetic outlook on repetition and transformation that creates various scenarios of growth and decay, ignorance and empathy, as well as of already bygone times. The exhibition includes artists from Estonia, the Netherlands, North Macedonia and beyond: Maud van den Beuken, Uku Sepsivart, Zorica Zafirovska, Angela Maasalu, Helena Keskküla, Nele Kurvits, Vaim Sarv, Yvette Bathgate and Jake Shepherd.