EKKM Archive2025Rooms in Rhymesalways is everywhereJass Kaselaan’s solo exhibitionENKKL space takeover2024TriggerDown in the Bog – SporulationEne-Liis Semper’s solo exhibition2023Goodbye, East! Goodbye Narcissus!shelter – sanctuaryIron MenThe Laugh of the Medusa2022Typology of TouchGreatest HitsAttention FiguresCrawl out Through the Fallout2021A rescripted visit to EKKM’s collectionsLetters from a foreign mindExcess and RefusalIntensive places. Tallinn Photomonth ’21Return to Innocence2020@Beursschouwburg, Brussels / Shapes and DistancesHier NichtMeasures of ProximityTiger in Space2019False VacationerXENOSWhen You Say We Belong To The Light We Belong To The Thunder. Tallinn Photomonth’19A-tishoo, A-tishoo, We All Fall Down2018Köler Prize 2018. Exhibition of Nominees@Poppositions, Brussels / EKKM’s E-residency #1: Residency & Non-residencyCloudbusters: Intensity vs. IntentionThe Surface of the Sun1 iJHow to: live. Virtual Biographiesone-on-one. on skillsYou Have Become the Space2017How-to-calm-yourself-after-seeing-a-dead-body TechniquesContemporary Art Museum of Estonia(Hyper)emotional: YOUPlatformFold by Fold the Widowed Stone Unrobes Itself. Tallinn Photomonth’17Help for the stoker of the central heating boiler2016Köler Prize 2016. Exhibition of NomineesEKKM & Anu Vahtra @ Art BrusselsAlice KaskCity AgentsPseudoPaul Kuimet: Perpendicular2015Köler Prize 2015. Exhibition of NomineesT:H:E: R:E:A:L: After Psychedelia1995Prosu(u)mer. Tallinn Photomonth ’152014Köler Prize 2014. Exhibition of NomineesBlack House. Notes on ArchitectureFeeling Queezy?!Raul Keller What You Hear is What You Get (Mostly)2013OFF- season exhibition: Johannes Säre SPACECHANGESKÖLER PRIZE 2013. EXHIBITION OF NOMINEESSide EffectsMark Raidpere DAMAGE!& SO ON & SO FORTH2012KÖLER PRIZE 2012. EXHIBITION OF NOMINEESIstvan Kantor Monty Cantsin? Amen! The Insurgent NeoistCollection of Desires. Privatized ArtCorporal PunishmentArtishok Biennale2011KÖLER PRIZE 2011Museum files I: Collected PrinciplesLost in TransitionDarkness, Dark2010MARCO LAIMRE – SEDASI! Kütkestuse kultuurCAME – Contemporary Art Museum of Eemil KarilaNext To NothingWelcome to the Machine!2009INTER FENSTER TOP 520082007